A six month access pass to the Rigid Heddle Exploration Club. Your access pass comes with
Six hours of private lessons you can schedule however/whenever you want, and a discounted rate for private lessons if you want more hours beyond that.
Twice a month drop in style meet up events. You can come and weave in my studio with the rest of the group, learning new techniques and exploring together. We'll use this time to share what we're currently making, weave together and just hang out, and learn from each other.
Access to my collection of "rigid heddle approved" yarns and ability to buy them at discounted studio rates.
- Discounted rental rates for my studio rigid heddle looms and any tools you want to borrow and take home
- A private study-club chat room and email list where you can stay in touch with the other members.
- And more! I know, that sounds cheesy but I'm still evolving this concept of the exploration club. If there's a benefit that you want but don't see here, let me know and it might be something I can add!
It expires on the last day of the month six months AFTER you join. For example, if you join on May 12th, your pass will expire on November 30th.
** Sliding Scale Explanation: So wait, how much does it cost?
When I did the math, I decided that the cheapest I could possibly offer this experience and still break even would be $400. But that is a lot of money, and I really want this to be affordable for a diverse group of people. So I'm taking a risk by offering the experience up on a sliding scale. If the most you can possibly afford is the bottom of the scale, I still want to teach you! And if you can afford to spend a little extra, you can help to cover the costs of those who can't. In the end, it'll average out and I'll hope that there's a little left over for me to make it worth it to keep running the class for another season. Like I said, this is an evolving concept that I hope will grow into something beautiful. If you're very interested in this experience but truly can't afford the cost, please contact me and we'll see if there's something else we can work out.